
The Darley National School was founded in 1859 dedicated to the memory of Canon Darley, Cootehill. The school, which was originally situated in the Fair Green, was a fine cut stone building with a teachers’ residence. Over the years many one-teacher schools in the surrounding area have closed and the pupils were transported to the Darley school. Presently the school serves a large catchment area. Eight schools have been amalgamated into the Darley National School since the 1950’s.  In 1983 the old Vocational school in the town was renovated and the school moved to its present site in April 1983. The original school was demolished in 1992 and recently a Health Centre has been built on the site. The Health Centre also bears the name of “Darley.” Up to 1983 there were two teachers in the school but as the enrolments increased in the 1980s a third teacher was required. Six teachers are employed in the school today, four mainstream teachers and a teacher of the hearing Impaired, along with a full time learning support teacher. The school also employs a part time caretaker and secretary. In 2002 a Special Unit for hearing impaired pupils joined the mainstream school.

Move to Current Site

In 1983 the old Vocational school in the town was renovated and the school moved to its present site in April 1983. The original school was demolished in 1992 and recently a Health Centre has been built on the site. The Health Centre also bears the name of “Darley.” Up to 1983 there were two teachers in the school but as the enrolments increased in the 1980s a third teacher was required. Five teachers are employed in the school today, four mainstream teachers and a teacher of the hearing Impaired, along with a learning support teacher.  The school also employs a part time caretaker and secretary. In 2002 a Special Unit for hearing impaired pupils joined the mainstream school. 

Presently there are 128 pupils enrolled in the school, 123 of these are in mainstream education while 5 are enrolled in the Hearing Impaired Unit. The Darley N.S. is a Protestant school with the majority of children coming from Church of Ireland or Presbyterian families. We also have children from other religious backgrounds attending our school- Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, Brethern and those of no religious affiliation. All children are treated equally irrespective of their religious or social background. The children who attend this school are mainly from rural areas-many families are engaged in farming on a part time and also full time basis.

The Old darley School before demolishion

Photo by Brian Mulligan Photography

Renovation & Expansion

In 1992 much needed work was completed on the play areas in the school. In 1995 our General-Purpose room was rewired and completely renovated. The school building is kept well and painted regularly. In December 1999 an application was made to the Department of Education & Science to upgrade the ancillary accommodation in the school. New cloakrooms, a staffroom, office and a classroom for Learning support were required. Plans for this renovation had been passed and accepted by the Cavan County Council. In 2004/2005 the school was completely renovated and in 2013 a further extension and renovation took place.

In January 2020, an all weather playing facility was added to the school.In conjunction with our active Parents’ Association, many projects have been undertaken. The school has an excellent supply of networked laptops and ipads, the tarmacadam play area to the rear of the school has been resurfaced, refenced and relined. New vibrant playground markings now adorn the front school yard.

A fifth mainstream teacher was sanctioned for September 2023 and in September 2024 a new class for ASD & Autistic pupils will be opened in the school.